
Access to the Australian and New Zealand Collections is temporarily closed for road repairs. Re-opening scheduled for Monday 24 February. 


Leave a legacy, protect the Botanical Gardens.

​​​​​Make a difference

Support future generations’ enjoyment of the Botanical Gardens and help protect the state’s most significant botanical collection on behalf of all Tasmanians.

Contact us for a confidential discussion or advice on making a tax-deductible gift, bequest or large donation.

What is a bequest?

A bequest is an instruction in your will to leave a gift to a specific person, organisation or charity. Bequests provide the opportunity to support a cause that reflects your interests and passions.

How to make a bequest

We recommend you seek legal advice before making a bequest. It is important to ensure your gift is able to be fulfilled and that your wishes are reflected correctly.

When making a gift in your will it is important to use the correct legal terminology. A solicitor will be able to advise on the appropriate wording.

Contact details and legal entity for the purpose of a bequest:

Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
11 Lower Domain Road
Queens Domain Hobart 7000
ABN: 75 542 604 274

Further information about gifting to charity is available from The Public Trustee.