Subantarctic Plant House





Unique to our Gardens, this collection of plants from the Subantarctic islands are displayed in a climatically controlled environment, where chilly fogs and mists mirror the wet, cold conditions of their remote homes. The collection was established for conservation and to raise awareness of the fragility of this unique region.

The Subantarctic Plant House was designed to replicate the appearance and environmental conditions of Macquarie Island and also to act as an experimental house for the cultivation of the plants from this region. The curved inner walls are painted with a mural depicting the various environments of the island, while the landscape has been recreated using plants, mosses and rock collected from the Subantarctic Islands. An immersive audio soundscape of the Macquarie Island environment adds to the illusion of traveling to this remote region and visitors will hear wildlife from the Island, including elephant seals, penguins, albatross and skuas, as well as the ever-present wind and rain.​